Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Individual Dreamweaver Lessons Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Individual Dreamweaver Lessons - Coursework Example Below is the structure of a web page saved as htm or htlm file. We also covered CSS designer. The lecture touches on Live view and Live code that help in giving the exact review of the web page designed and how visually changing the web page developed will affect the code behind the scene. The first lesson also gives an overview how you can create a hyperlink on a web page. The tag â€Å"† was used to create a hyperlink. Use bar to link section of the documents to other pages. For example, In this lesson, creating of a new site took the center stage by defining site setting using Site Setup dialog box. The Servers, Versions as well as advanced setting options used in defining your site. This lecture also declared the DOCTYPE used in HTML5 which is . The lesson also looked at the format of saving the new site created. The file created should have â€Å"html† file format and only special characters such as underscores (_) is used to separate the words. You should save it on one major folder. CSS helps in defining appearance of a web page. You can set background color or link color whichever applicable using CSS. It was important to note that Document Type set to HTML5 is set as Unicode (UTF-8) and that Adobe Photoshop is being used in a tracing image such as JPEG and GIF. We looked at local root folder on how one can copy, select, view or open files from it. It also addresses graphic file types being displayed by web browsers. The graphic files discussed include GIF that condenses color images and used mostly in areas with flat colors like logos. JPEG format is used in inline images. When inserting a logo/image, use the format. You can then set logo/image width and length. Inserting of Photoshop smart objects in an html form was also tackled. Use in group-block elements. When using HTML tables use attributes such as dl, dt, and

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